Friday, September 30, 2011

New Look

Wow!!!! these new templates by blogger are really awesome....
been so long that i have scribbled anything, so geting to jazz my page was really worth it.

Just amazing......


Sunday, November 15, 2009

Sachin @ 20

20 amazing years of the Master - His life, our journey.....

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Windows 7

They say we all make mistakes and how we correct them shows our true identity.

When the book on history of OS will be written they will surely mention the failure of Vista. Sometimes dream projects just turn into nightmares.

Vista was an OS which wanted to do everything right, and that's where it failed.

That started the birth of Windows7,and this time around it just wanted to do the normal everyday things right.
So out went all the things which Vista was overloaded with, and was born the streamlined, aerodynamic,light and pleasing Windows7.
I have been a windows user and it was heartening to work on the RTM Windows7.

No mater what the Mac and Linux users crib about they are never going to take over the PC.

I am not sure if Windows7 will be as great XP, but one thing is sure in that history book of OS they will surely mention how Microsoft made that correction on October 22nd 2009.

I am a PC.

Saturday, October 10, 2009

I dont know....

Its really funny some times, you really don't know what you want and it sort off is a good feeling.It does happen a lot of times, its just that the mental phase during that time is really unknown.

I think when you are in that frame of mind you really don't expect anything.Its like this feel good thing.
Its a strong mental phase, but the outcome of it does not really matter.

As i said i have no idea why i am in this phase, maybe its path or calmness before something really big happens.......

Sunday, September 20, 2009

4thslip - My youtube channel

I am on Youtube created my Youtube channel 4thslip.

For expressing my thoughts on cricket as well as some random thoughts - just in a simple way , nothing  like what you see on TV.

So here is my first video on the preview of ICC Champions Trophy.


hope to blog as well as video blog more.